I made a lot for this wedding, bought spray paint by the dozen it feels like. I found a glittery gold spray paint which is so pretty. I wanted to glitter everything!
I first started with the jars for the center pieces for the tables. I collected different pieces from thrift stores and then Michael's craft store was having a sale on them, so I got a dozen different jars for $1 each.
I bought a big thing of glitter from Walmart that cost me just under $6. I still have some left, so I will be using that at Christmas time!
I put a layer of modge podge over the glitter and let them dry and they were good to go! There may have been a sparkle here or there coming off but it wasn't bad. I love them and plan on using them during Christmas time as well.
Next, I made napkin rings and the cake topper. For the napkin rings I had friends and family save their toilet paper rolls. I cut them into rings about an inch big. Then I spray painted them all gold. They didn't come out shiny gold, more of a dull gold, but the front of the napkin ring I threw some glitter on and they looked so pretty up against the purple napkins!

When Richie and I started dating and when I would write him letters or make him a scrapbook, I would take our A & R and put them together. It was our symbol. Most couples have songs, we have our symbol. I wanted that a part of the wedding and what better way then on our cake! I used a foam poster board that was left over from my surprise bridal shower and drew it out. Then cut it out with an exacto knife. I covered it front and back with modge podge and then glittered that symbol up! I let that dry and then I put another layer of modge podge on it so the glitter stayed on. Because it was foam I inserted tooth pics in the bottom and tooth pics secured it in the cake. The cake people did not center it on the cake, so when I was there checking everything I quickly fixed it.

She how it is not centered?! The crate I got at Michael's with a coupon under $8 and spray painted it gold with a glitter blast to it. The fabric was a scrap I found at Walmart for $1.50, I also intertwined a battery packed L.E.D sparkling lights that cost me $3 in the fabric to make it sparkle. I even got the cake knife and server for half off Hobby Lobby so that only cost $15!
So the cake table decor cost under $30.
( I love this cake topper. The picture does the sparkle no justice)
Cost for the napkin rings and cake topper was zero dollars.
On to the gift card table! For the guest sign in book, I didn't want a boring book, where people just write their names. I wanted a photo book that we could look back on. I purchased a groupon deal and got the photo book for under $25. They had an option on there for guest wedding book, so all I did was upload photos of Richie and I and placed them where I wanted them. For the sign to tell people to sign I found a big frame from a church garage sale that cost me $.75! My friends dad did all the writing for me on all my signs and I threw some purple sparkly scrapbook paper to make it pretty. The pen I got at Walmart in their wedding section for $5!

We didn't register any where. The reason being is we have a lot of crap. We've been together for 10 years. We have moved at least six times and two of those were across country. We have purged, we have re bought, I am constantly shopping so we have everything we need. What we didn't have was money for our honey moon so we wished for our guests to help us with our honeymoon fund. Instead of buying a card box at the store, or a bird cage I decided to make one. I wanted it three tiered, but the smaller shoe box I had saved didn't fit well. So I kept it at two boxes. I cut a big hole in the bottom box (on top) as well as the top box (in the bottom of the box). Then I cut a little slit in the top so people could put their cards in. I covered the boxes with wrapping paper and then glued some flowers on that matched the decor. Cost of box was $4.
The finished product below (this is my photo, not the photographers)
On to my candelabras. My friend texted me pictures of these candelabras she had found on facebook, only $5 each! I had to have them! She had six, and I bought them all! Turns out the lady that was selling it, I work with her sister and brother in law. Small world we live in. They were an ivory color, but that had to go. Two were spray painted in orange, two in red and the last two in purple. They were scattered around the room with beads of pearls hanging from them that I had found a various thrift stores.
I got the A & R in the $1.50 bins at Michael's so I spray painted them to match.
This picture above was our memorial area. Richie lost his dad when he was a kid and I lost my grandma and uncle a few years ago. We wanted them there with us, and what better way then having an area all for them where they can watch over the entire wedding.
This beauty was bought at Webster Flea Market for $10. I, of course spray painted it gold and then glitter blasted it and my mom had gold glittery candles we added. It ended up on the counter with drinks but it was so pretty I couldn't not show you. I did buy battery operated flame less tapered candles for it but I forgot batteries. So it was just there for show.
Now for the signs, the table seating chart was put on a mirror. I wanted a window that had eight panes, but do you know how much those suckers cost? It was not in my budget. This mirror though, was. $2 at one of my favorite thrift stores. I spray painted the frame gold and hit it up with the glitter spray. My friends dad again wrote all the names. He did an awesome job.
This was taken before it was put out side on a table. All that was out there was the mirror and a milk glass vase with flowers. Of course there was lace on the table out there as well. You can see it in the background from this picture of my daughter.
Doesn't she look beautiful? My little Greek goddess. She had gold shoes for the wedding, but in this pic we weren't quite ready yet. It was a mad dash to do last minute things but that's a post all in its self. Any who, see the mirror all the way in the back there. Yeah, it looked pretty and you could read the names better at an angle then head on.
I had a sign outside for the ceremony telling people where to sit, one for the candy table and then a Mr. and Mrs. on the dais.
Mirror $2
Mr. and Mrs. $2
Ceremony $4
Candy table $1
Guest book $.75
Pen $4.75
Total cost $14.50. Not too shabby.
We had the ceremony outside and we because we live in Florida the weather is hit or miss. Let me tell you, it was definitely a hit on our wedding day! It was BEAUTIFUL out. It wasn't overly hot, there was a nice breeze, the sun was shinning and the blue skies were on display. But, just in case it was super hot, I made programs that doubled as fans. I bought the card stock at Walmart. Cost was $5. Then I purchased the tongue depressors in the craft section for under $5. I added some pearls that I got on sale at Hobby Lobby for a couple dollars. It was the most time consuming project. I found a free template online and made our program. Pinterest helped a little bit with the writing on the front and the thank you on the back. The front was the basic processional, and then the back was our thank you. My friend helped make it look pretty and all I had to do was print it out. I had to cut each one out by hand and fold, then glue. Very time consuming, and in reality not a lot of people kept them. So, I'm glad I didn't spend a fortune on them.

Zoe totally didn't carry the wedding rings, she was miserable the beginning of the wedding and my friend who was our officiant had to drag her down the aisle.
The picture below was after the ceremony. All smiles. The above, the misery. My sister looks miserable too. haha.
Flowers, you can see in the above photos my sister and Zoe's little bouquets. I bought the flowers whole sale. Very cheap. We picked them up two days prior to the wedding. Thursday was pick up and we put them all in water (had to cut them as well). Then Friday morning we or I assembled them in the jars and vases. Candy made the bouquets and we kept them in water. We did not have to refrigerate them. I found a solution on pinterest for fresh cut flowers. It was luke warm water, bleach, sugar and lemon juice. They held up very nicely.
The spray roses were absolutely beautiful. There were at least five buds per stem. I spray painted the baby's breath to have some gold in the arrangements. I loved it. The colors were awesome together!
Cost for flowers $178.
My bouquet was made from brooches and I waited till the last minute to make it. Which I do not recommend. It was a headache. It didn't come out quite how I wanted it. It was still pretty, small and I got to hold a piece of my grandma, so that's all that matters. I used a foam bouquet holder I got at Hobby Lobby. Actually, used two of those. I should have just kept them on the wire and done it that way. You live and you learn. It still sparkled and was pretty. Heavy, and in the end they stayed. You need a thick gaged wire in case you ever want to make one.
I covered the bottom part with purple fabric I had and secured it with jeweled pins.
I added fabric flowers in my colors around it. I had orange too but it was too much.
So, that's it! All the DIY for our wedding. It was fun, didn't take me long and we had personal touches through out the entire wedding. If you want to save money, DIY is the way to go.
Next up is budget.