I'm not one for making resolutions, but for this new year I am. I used to make them when I was younger, but I would never go through with them. Well, 2014 in August is the start of my 30's! I want my 30's to be different from my 20's. 20's were fat and in debt. 30's I want to be skinny-ish and semi debt free. Or at least to the road of debt free (those damn student loans, I'll be paying off forever!) I figured if I come on here and list my "resolutions" for the new year, then I will surely keep up with them.
Ok, here we go......
- Save all coins until the end of the year and use that for a vacation for 2015 or pay off a bill. (my mom saved almost $300 in two and half months in coins. I think it will be fun to see what I can save in a year, I work in the service industry, so I always come home with coins.)
- Save my tip money for Christmas 2014. One year I saved tips from Jan-June and I had a good amount to take on our vacation. Like $1600 of spending money. Imagine what it would be for 11 months. (I work hourly with tips, so my tips aren't as much as a server would be)
- Lose weight.....and keep it off. I can lose weight if I put my mind to it. So let me amend that. Go to the gym (that I am paying for and not going) three days a week, cut out all soda and artificial sweeteners.
- Start putting money away to pay off school loans. yuck.
- Cook at least one new recipe a week! (on the healthy side)
- Make my front and back yard look pretty. We let it get out of control this year!
- Start my veggie and fruit garden.
- Work on a fairy garden
- Do more crafts for myself and with the kid.
- Now to round it all out.........ORGANIZE MY LIFE!
So, overall I don't think the list is too daunting. Everything is doable. I know I probably wont make it to the gym every week next year. What am I going to do during the summer months when my kid is at home??? I'll have to work something out. I probably wont be able to save every coin and every tip I make. Sometimes I need to use my tips for food money or to supplement my crappy pay checks. But overall, I should be able to save a good bulk.
Wish me luck! I really hope 2014 is a year of change!
What do you have on your list?