This is the first summer in our house. We have free reign, to paint, plant...whatever we would like to do. I haven't done anything drastic to the house because, well I just cant afford. But, the colors on the walls had to go! I did not like them one bit. The only rooms that aren't this pink color are the bathroom and kitchen. So, this summer I decided to change it. I painted the hallway, living room and dining room. I did it mostly on my own. A friend helped with the living room and then my hubbie helped with the living room. Thank goodness he did because I was so over painting. I did it all over a 3 week span, I should have just done it all in three days because that is how long it took me to get all three rooms done, so instead I did it over three weeks.
This living room is by by far my favorite. They are still a work in progress but I love the color and its nice to finally have things hung up on the wall!
This would be my before picture. The ugly color on the walls and the white shelves.
Hard to tell the color, its a pale yellow. The main colors in the living room are yellow, turquoise, brown, black and red.
The tv is my next project. I purchased a dresser that I am going to convert into a tv stand. So I can hid all our movies. I hate having them in the open and on display. Also, I bought some pretty curtains but the hubbie has yet to put them up for me.
I absolutely love this color!
On to the dining room.
This was at my moms birthday party. 50's diner themed. Notice how there is nothing on the walls. Now I have things hanging! The colors in this room are a light wood, white and gold.
I am in the process of finding a hutch! Not easy, since I am picky and only shopping thrift stores. I don't want to spend a fortune when I am going to strip it and paint it white. I need something to display all my milk glass!
This wall makes me happy. I am constantly on the look out for silver platters. I got these two at a warehouse sale for pennies. Literally. Its a work in progress, but I think its fitting hanging platters in the dining room. Hehe.
I should take more pictures, I store my books in this room, but its a work in progress.
Next on the agenda is our bedrooms!
Anyone do some redecorating this summer?