Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hello all!  It's been 6 days since I last posted and I have had withdrawals....I doubt anyone but close friends read this blog (which is totally fine) but I like posting and I haven't been able to post the past few days b/c my camera doesn't work anymore.  Well the camera itself is fine, the cord to upload does not.  Now I do have this lil usb thingy my dad bought me.  I know exactly what container it is sitting in.  But where is the container???  I asked someone who shall remain nameless to look for said usb on their 3 days off this week, but it was forgotten about, along with dishes and cleaning....and putting clothes away.  But lets not get off on a tangent.  So today I decided to fulfil my lack of posting with a nice post on projects I would love to eventually get to.

Here goes.....(who knows, when they will be completed because of school work :( )

I found these bad boys over at krissy's creations.  I just so happened to get two donut pans for my bday and also a mini donut maker....but these you don't need a pan....so if you want to work out some frustrations on dough, this is the way to go and then the reward is sweet :)

I found this lovely idea over at Sarah Ortega.  Another blog I just love.  I have bought 4 of these silver trays, ranging in different sizes and I cannot wait to buy me some chalkboard paint.  I plan on making loads and loads of cute magnets and I can display them on this nifty platter.  I also plan on using them to display prices of items my mom sells at the flea market.  Also cant wait to have dinner parties and display the menu on this and set it on top of my buffet.  The ideas are endless.

This is again from Mrs. Sarah Ortega.  I already bought misc. frames, just need some funky spray paint and wire.  My bday really helped out because now I can afford these things.  I scored big on the frames at old time pottery.  they were giving them away for pennies b/c the glass and backings were missing. 

Look at these pretty plates!  I found them on frugal flourish.  So easy and cheap!  All crafters should have an arsenal of scrapbook paper hidden away somewhere.  I know I do.  Just have to find cheap clear plates.  What better reason to go thrifting then to find some of these plates and make them beautiful again. 

 If this isn't the coolest thing you have seen in awhile then we can not be friends.  Just kidding.  I think this is so fun!  I have seen it all over pinterest and found someone make it on her blog meg duerksen. Its so stinkin easy!  I cant wait to get my hands on some crayons and make this happen.  It would go cute in kids rooms, or play rooms.  Even a school room!

I am still scouring the thrift stores for some cookie sheets!  So cute for the kitchen!  Found over at crate paper.

My friend Melissa posted this on her blog When I grow up I wanna be... the other day and I just love it!  I have a whole box of unused wine glasses that I can pretty up with this idea!  Thanks for the idea Melissa, I will blog when I make them (which might just be today!)

I unfortunately do not have a source for this, I apologize.  But I do have a bunch of tin cans I have been saving to make this one day!

I have so many, many more projects I want to do!   Follow me on Pinterest.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I was blog perusing and found this little fun thing to do.  Some called it currents, basically it is just what is going on in my life.  Just something fun, today is my birthday so I am doing something fun!  Originally found retro hip mama.  Love her blog!

Reading:  I just finished Mockingjay, the 2nd book of the hunger games series, and I am patiently waiting to get my hands on the 3rd book.  Just bought a new book at the thrift store by the lady that did all the shopaholic series.  Gotta get my British fix.  I still have Water for Elephants sitting on my bedside table waiting for me to pick it up again.  And then of course I have at least 3 chapters of school stuff I need to get done, but I am holding off on that....

Laughing: The things that come out of my daughters mouth crack me up.  I am getting her ready for the day and I guess I wasn't doing something to her liking and shes like "you are driving me crazy" and then she says "you wear me out".  Now I know exactly where she gets this statements from...me, but they are so funny hearing them come out of her little mouth.  And then when something goes wrong she gets the best little worried face.  She is too young to get so worried about things but its cute the face makes when she does!

Listening to: Lets see..what is in my CD player.....twilight soundtrack ha ha.  I cant help it I love the sound tracks!  But I am really into Adele right now.

Wearing: Don't get me started on that. 

Watching: Right at this moment Everybody love Raymond, but I cant wait for the new fall shows to come on.  Especially the one with Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Eating: Tonight we went to an awesome Chinese buffet for my bday.  there was sushi, hibachis grill and regular Chinese food.  it was delish!  we ate ourselves silly!

Craving: nothing really

Getting ready for: school.  I have been off all summer and now I have to get back into the swing of homework and work and Zoe and cleaning and housekeeping all that good stuff.

Working on: well besides homework, I made some wonderful homemade detergent that I will make a special post for.  of course I am adding to my collection of cake stands and making a list of baked goods to make with my wonderful bday presents!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week!


Saturday, August 20, 2011


How do you teach a two year old to be grateful?  Is it just a two year old thing???  We give our daughter all that she needs.  And sometimes more.  We have been effected by this horrible economy but we are living OK.  I have no complaints.  Well I do, I am human, but I have a nice apartment, food on the table and clothes on our back.  My husband and I have jobs that pay the bills and I am lucky enough to go back to school and get a grant to pay for it all.  So I am very grateful for those things, sometimes I don't show it, but I am.  Now how do I teach my daughter to be thankful for what she has? 

We went to the mall the other day and I usually don't have enough cash on me to go on the train.  Well when we went the other day I had just enough $8.  The train cost $6 so I put her on the little merry go round for a buck.  Well when we were walking to get to the train we passed this jumpy thing.  You know the one where they put you in a harness and you jump.  Well shes done it twice before and loves it.  It was $7.  So do I pay $7 for the jumpy thing, where she barely even jumps for five minutes or pay $6 to go on the train. I choose the train.  Well Zoe was happy about the train but then threw a whiny fit because she couldn't go on the jumpy thing. 

That then started a talk about how she should be grateful that we could go on at least one of those things.  I told her repeatedly that I did not have enough money to do the two of them and usually she understands but lately if its not her way its no way.  If she doesn't get the toy she wants then all hell breaks lose and if I am with my mom ten to one she will get the toy because my mom is with us.  So that brings me back to how do I get my two year old to see how lucky she is?  How do I teach her that life lesson? I've asked people at work and no answer.  So does anyone have a good way on here to teach their kid how to be grateful for the little things in life?  Or do I just have to wait until she is a little bit older?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cake Stands Galore

Obsession Thursday is brought to you buy cake stands!  I have my whole family on the hunt or pretty vintage or funky plates and candlestick holders.  If you look at my dollar store DIY.  You can get the gist of how to make cake stands.  Just get creative.  I have mentioned in other posts what great deals I have found in the thrift stores with plates.  It takes seconds to make these cake stands and they turn out so fun!  The ideas are endless.  Here are some of the ones I have made.

 These are the plates that I just had to run back to the store and get the rest of.  I also have green glass candle stick holders to use with them as well.  These are premiere fine china plates.  I looked on eBay and the dinner plates are going for around $13 a plate!  Love these vintage plates.
 Notice the green plate?  I love my green plates haha.  This one I made for myself, so I don't mind that it sits a little crooked.  Just make sure when you are buying stands that they have flat surfaces, no gaps.  Unless its a ice cream dish, those sit fine.
 Cobalt blue is so pretty and so expensive!  I got these plates for $.99/$.89 each at goodwill!  I like it with white but couldn't find a bigger white stand for them. 
Here are some smaller ones.  I love the red one, I keep it by my big red candle stick holders to hold our keys when we walk in the door.  Once I make a trip to home depot I will buy a door knob for the black plate. 

I use e-6000 glue for mine and I hand wash all of them.  I don't paint any of the surfaces.  If you do then a Dolley needs to go on top because you don't want your food sitting on it.  These are great presents and cheap as well!

So many different uses!  Depending on what you make, you can use it as a jewelery holder, key holder, candy dish, put appetizers on them, or cupcakes.  I have found so many other cake stands out there, just waiting for the funds to make them all.

violet bella I am still trying to find the courage to use glasses as stands!   These look so darn cute!
decor ganize crafts made this nifty cake stand out of stove burner covers! 
joys hope made these completely from the dollar store!  Ahh how I love dollar store DIY'S!
mary janes and galoshes. I am still trying to find cake pans to make this!  I love it and it would be so cute to hold all sorts of things, like crafts for kids, or office supplies.

Like I said the ideas are endless with this craft!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

something fun!

One of my favorite blogs posted today and she had this awesome questionnaire on there.  I used to love doing these when I was younger.  The kiddo is taking a "nap" so why not do one of my own.  The idea came from adelynSTONE .

1. What time did you get up this morning? if we are being exact here it was 6:57am
2. How do you like your steak? medium rare
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema: friends with benefits and we thought it was hilarious.  Also seeing Justin Timberlakes butt a lot was a bonus as well :)
4. What is your favorite TV show? right now?? during the summer would have to be Pretty Little Liars (my guilty pleasure )
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? that's easy, Fremont, Washington.  I will live there one day and own my own coffee shop/cafe there.
6. What did you have for breakfast? sunny side up eggs, sausage and toast with cream cheese and jam. yum!
7. What is your favorite food? I love all food!  Anything with pasta and cheese and I am good to go
8. Foods you dislike? really there isn't anything I will turn my nose up to
9. Favorite place to eat? we are on a chipolte kick. love their burritos
10. Favorite dressing? ranch, ranch with everything is the way to live
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? boring Toyota corralla.
12. What are your favorite clothes? leggings and a dress
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Italy, France, Greece, Ireland, japan
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? some days its 1/2 full, others its 1/2 empty. I wont sugar coat it haha
15. Where would you want to retire? somewhere in Washington state, maybe on the beach
16. Favorite time of day? mornings
17. Where were you born? Florida, boo!
18. What is your favorite sport to watch? if I had to pick one I guess it would be basketball. I would rather be playing then watching
19. What is your favorite fragrance? anything vanilla :)
20. What is your favorite face cream? right now I use this lavender and chamille and it smells so good. so bummed this morning when I realized it was almost empty!
21. Favorite baby/kids products? I really liked Gerber snacks when Zoe was younger
22. People watcher? yes, I love it.  I get a lot of people watching in at my job when its slow 
23. Are you a morning or night person? morning all the way.  Now once ten pm hits I am ready to hit the hay
24. Do you have any pets? nope
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? I wish
26. What did you want to be when you were little? a chef...and I went to school for that, and now I don't use that degree, so I am back in school..  Really I just want to own my own cafe.
27. What is your favorite memory? Anything that involves my baby Zoe
28. Are you a cat or dog person? dog, even tho I love cats they do not like me
29. Are you married? practically
30. Always wear your seat belt? sure do
31. Been in a car accident? yes. a few. and I was not driving.
32. Any pet peeves? hmmm.....where do I start?  Rudeness is probably my number one right now.
33. Favorite pizza toppings? pineapple, mushrooms, cheese, pepperoni
34. Favorite flower? tulips. 
35. Favorite ice cream? I'm boring. Strawberry
36. Favorite fast food restaurant? if I had to go to one, I would probably go to burger king to get a whopper. yum!
37. How many times did you fail your driver's test? written once, driven once.
38. From whom did you get your last email? my friend magie .
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? craft store or book store
40. Do anything spontaneous lately? nope
41. Like your job? my paying job? that would be a big fat NO, my life job, HELL YES
42. Broccoli? love it
43. What was your favorite vacation? probably Vegas even tho we had one day to do Vegas stuff (we went for a nascar race)

44. Last person you went out to dinner with? Richard (my hubS)
45. What are you listening to right now? the news

46. What is your favorite color? I love anything red, dark red mostly and dark purples, silver, turquoise.  All colors really.
47. How many tattoos do you have? 3, but the way I have it looks like 1
48. coffee drinker? um yes, you have to read my coffee post haha.

Fremont, Wa
I love that face!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dollar Store DIY

Right now I am kinda loving the dollar store.  Well I have always loved the dollar store.  It's cheap, you can find anything and with this economy I can't afford to pay a small fortune on hand soap for the bathroom (just an example).  They have lots of options for the home and I came across this and thought, this would look really cute on the table and I can fill it with anything for every holiday.  Its super easy.  Just go run to your nearest dollar store and grab 3 or how ever many candle stick holders you want, and 3 candle holders.  You have many options to choose from.  I wanted more of a cylinder but this is what they had.  I think they came out cute.

Make sure your supplies are cleaned.  I hand wash mine and get rid of all that pain in the butt sticker residue.  Love that epoxy glue!
Now just pour some glue around the edge of the candle sticks and place the candle holders on top.
Now that those are put on, add some weight to the top and let sit overnight.  I usually use books but I had these tapes right next to me and they did the job.
Now add whatever you would like.  See easy peasy!  I had the stones and candles on hand so the whole project cost me a little over $6!  Can't beat that!  Now for Halloween I plan on putting candy corn in there to hold the candles.  I have green plates so I want to go out and buy some lentils or whatever and use that as well to hold the candles.  The ideas are endless!  Coffee beans, Epsom salt, jelly beans, m&m's.  As long as you don't mind it not being edible once you are done.



Monday, August 15, 2011

Coffee first thing in the morning!

(the first dog would be Zoe, the second would be me!)
Is a must if you are me!  This morning, Zoe and I woke up before 7am.  Not so bad, we both got a good nights rest, watching our cartoons, Zoe had her milk....I was starving so I started breakfast.  My usual, when we are all home and off for the day I'll make a big breakfast but when its just Zoe and I.  Scrambled eggs, some frozen breakfast potatoes and cheese is fine with us.  I got a little fancy tho today.  Yeah I added some turkey meat to the eggs and sour cream to make them fluffy.  I tried to do it quickly so Zoe didnt notice, but she did.  So then she manned the stove and did the eggs.  I was trying to manuver around her and stir everything and burned the ish out my finger.....boo boo number 1 down on to the next.  The eggs are done so Zoe leaves the stove.  I rememberd I had some country gravy mix in the pantry and thought yum that would go good on the eggs mixed with the hash browns.
 So I quick grab the bag read the directions and start boiling the water.  Then I dump the packet in the cold water and start mixing.  It was brown, I was like hmmm thats weird, maybe it isnt good anymore.  Then I proceed to put it in the boiling water and then I decide to look at the package.  I am not making yummy country gravy, I am making brown gravy!  How decieving that company is!  haha.  So now I am not allowed to make food, talk or do anything before I have my coffee in the morning!  I have a bunch of gravy now, but it doesnt taste too weird on the eggs and hashbrowns! 

Here is a yummy coffee smoothie I found at joy the baker.  I might have to have a lil cup of coffee before I attempt this.
Now I dont really care for hot coffee, even living in the cold state of washington I drank iced coffee, iced lattes, iced chai...you get the picture.  I came across this and it looks delish!  Oh yeah and I really don't care for the taste of coffee, so I add syrup and sugar to make it sweet....
You can get the complete recipe for yummy iced coffee with sweet cream added at craving comfort.  Its a process that should be done during the day when you have several cups of coffee in you :)

And now because I love eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast here are a few recipes I found that I cant wait to try out!
Yummy Sausage and broccoli egg muffins found at snacking in the kitchen.
the wanna be country girl . makes this awesome hashbrown casserole, that I am sure all of us have made at some point.  Its similar to cracker barrels recipe. 

I hope everyone enjoys their coffees today!  I am on to iced coffee number two!  Hopefully no more burns for me!  Now I just have to figure out dinner that can go with all that brown gravy I have left over. 


Friday, August 12, 2011

WITL Day 6 and 7

I was looking back at my last WITL post and I put day 6 when really it was day 5.  I need to stop doing things before my coffee in the morning!!!  I probably mislabeled all my days haha.  Geez Louise!  My day 6 and 7 were uneventful. 

I didn't even take pictures!

Wednesday:  Got up early again, hung out with Zoe and then headed off to work.  Now on Tuesday I got those awesome plates to make platters with, well on Wednesday I ran back to the thrift store and got the rest.  I haggled the guy (yeah not really) and got the big plates down from $1.49 to a buck.  There were three left so I saved like $1.50.  Not bad.  I then got green glass candle holders.  It looks so pretty the green with the fine china plates!  When  I got home I just got lazy and sat around my apartment for the rest of the night.

Thursday:  I work nights on Thursdays, so I spend my days doing laundry and cleaning.  But I didn't really feel like doing that yesterday.  So I asked my friend if she wanted to go to ikea with us.  We were leaving at 11:30.  That left me 2 hours to get some cleaning done, so I wouldn't feel too guilty.  We headed to ikea and Zoe was too short to play in their playground, so we walked around.  My friend got a lot of things for her classroom and I got a lock for our fridge.  Richie found some chick-fil-a near Zoe's kitchen the other day and we hadn't been to Chick-fil-a in forever.  So she needs to be locked outta the fridge!  Then I bought some cute little bud vases for $.79 each.  I think they would look cute for platters :)  I'm obsessed!  After lunch at Ikea (which kids eat free Aug 1-21) we left and got some $1 ice cream on the way out.  Then we headed to hobby lobby.  Which was funny, because I was browsing a blog and she kept talking about hobby lobby and then my friend mentioned it. I didn't even know we had one by us.  So we headed there.  It was huge, like Joannes and Micheal's smashed together.  They were a little on the expensive side.  My friend who is not a crafter in any sense was not impressed, but they had Christmas decorations so I was super excited lol.  They had a bunch of cone trees covered and smothered in bright sparkly colors!  I feel in love haha.  So after that we headed home. Zoe was a grump.  I took a quick 30 minute nap before I headed into work. 3 hours later I was phased.  Fine by me.  I headed home and relaxed the rest of the night. 

I had fun doing this little project.  I think I will do it periodically.  Like maybe during the holidays.  Just to see how every ones celebrations went.  Now I am off to work again :(


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obsession Thursday

The Obsession of the week is.....Paint chip samples.  I have seen so many niefty things you can do with them.  Now I need to run to Lowe's and discreetly snag oh I don't know ten million of them and I'm good!

You can make this awesome bookmarks found at bella carta or
if you are feeling adventurous you can make art
found at mod podge rocks blog (why yes it does rock!). 
Now this one takes dedication, and a lot of trips to several stores.
Isn't this awesome?!  Find it here at cozy little cave.
I don't know what it is with me and magnets, but these are so cute!  and colorful and I know Zoe loves playing with all my magnets so it can be made into a color game!  Found at how about orange.
hellolucky uses them for utensils.  This would be cute for a kids party, just match the color up with the theme!  (minus the knives).
My favorite that I found last night, that I will be scouring garage sales for would be paint chip coasters!
itsy bitsy paper blog, over at this blog she has a whole week dedicated to crafting with paint chip samples!  Awesome.  This will def be on my list of projects during the school year, because its basically free! 


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

WITL Day 6 (8/9/11)

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.  I like Tuesday but then I don't.  I don't because it is my last day off and then I dread going to bed at night because I  know I have to work in the A.M.  Well we started our day off early again.  I'm getting sick of these early mornings.  I am a morning person, but when I wake up exhausted it just kind of sets a president for the rest of the day.  Anyone else getting sick of always being tired??  I need to find that happy medium where I am not so overly tired, just a little, but awake enough to get things done!

Any ways....we woke up, watched cartoons, I surfed my blogs.  Zoe insisted on helping with the eggs this morning.  Which is fine, she does a good job up at the stove. She knows she isn't allowed to touch the hot stuff, plus she is an excellent stirrer!  Shes gonna be a master chef one day!

 It was really crappy and rainy out all day.  Finally around 10:30 I was like lets just get dressed and go out.  So that we did.  We headed over to Monkey Joes, or as Zoe likes to call it Monkey bars.

 Zoe pouting because I told her she needed to wait her turn. and I just noticed that person behind her wearing socks and flip flops. oh my goodness. 
So after that we went to look around the dollar general market.  I wanted to get stuff to add to my first aid kit I am making.
Then I promised her McDonald's so we stopped there.  Tuesdays they have 6 nuggets for $.99.  Cant beat that!  Then I wanted to visit my mom, so we stopped at another McDonald's and got her lunch.  Yes I totally felt like a glutinous fatty pulling up to another McDonald's with a bag of food already in my front seat with me! haha.
hung out with my mom at her job for a little bit then headed to a thrift store.  We don't go there often because my mom doesn't like it.  And I always seem to go thrifting with her.  I found these great plates, fine china for cheap.  I bought the dinner plate and small salad plate.  I think I am going to go back today and buy the rest.  They would make the nicest cake stands!
Then we headed to the "best used book store" that's the name.  I have never been, but always wanted to go.  They had so many books.  Zoe and I were in heaven.  I even found books from my childhood that brought back memories.  I have to go back when I'm not with Zoe which is never.
We headed home and just relaxed for a bit.  I made dinner and then after dinner my night is done.  I get in bed and read.  Its an exciting life but someone has to live it!
I did make spinach stuffed portabellos to go with dinner and they were delish!
If you make these I suggest just having that for dinner, Richie and I barely even touched our chicken.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Birthday Wishes

So my birthday is coming up.  Not like I want to celebrate it because I am closer to becoming 30....but I still want presents.  he he.  Doesn't everyone want to open some presents on their birthday?? I really don't care for the presents but there are some things that I really want and they are odd requests but I haven't had the extra money to get them myself.....this page will be left open so someone can see it.....

First off I want a donut pan
Yeah I am not even a big fan of doughnuts but I really want one so I can make them.  Mainly for Richie.  Weird yes.

Next is for a craft project for Zoe and myself
Now I don't expect these things from family, because I know money is tight, but its nice to have a wish list.  Considering I haven't had a wish list in years.

A kindle! I am behind the times, Richie got me a ezcruz reader for xmas but I don't know how to use it. and I can only read where there is wi-fi and its a tad bit confusing.  Although I love the gift and him thinking of me to go to all the trouble of getting it.  I kinda still really, really want a kindle.  So now that that I made my list I can now go back to planning Zoe's third birthday.  Because in reality her birthdays excite me more then mine do. 


Mini Cupcake kind of day

I am in cupcake mode for some reason.  Anything bite size really.  Just pop in your mouth and go.  The only bad thing with that is one is just not enough.  Five may be enough but not really five turns into ten and then so on.....I found this recipe a few days ago and went out and bought sour cream because it was the only ingredient I was missing.  I made pound cake mini cupcakes. 

The recipe is as follows
1/2 c. butter, soft
4 oz. cream cheese, soft
2 c. sugar
4 eggs
1 t. vanilla extract
3 c. all purpose flour
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1 c. sour cream

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Cream butter and cream cheese together until fluffy.
Add sugar, keep mixing.  Add one egg at a time until incorporated.  Stir in vanilla.  Mix together dry ingredients and add in intervals to egg mixture.  add the sour cream.  This will come out doughy when  you are done. 
Add a rounded tablespoon to your mini cupcake tins.  Mine came out all sorts of sizes because I was just throwing it in.  So some were smaller, some were bigger.  They still tasted delicious.  Bake for 13-15 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean.  (side note: if you don't use cupcake liners, they bake faster then ones in liners...heads up, I lost a few cupcakes).

You can make any frosting you want, I used a chocolate frosting because I didn't have enough powdered sugar to do a butter cream.

Chocolate frosting:
1/2 c. butter, soft
2 1/4 conf. sugar
3/4 c. baking cocoa
1/4 t. vanilla extract
1/4 c.- 1/2 c. milk

cream butter until fluffy, add sugar a little at a time, then add cocoa and vanilla.  mix until incorporated.  Add milk little by little, until it is at the spreading consistency you like.

I love this chocolate frosting recipe, but I think it over powered the cupcakes.  Next time I would do something simple, or even leave them plain they were that good!

This is where you can get the original recipe for the cupcakes lets dish recipes. 



WITL Day 4 & 5 (8/7, 8/8)

So I am a little behind on the times.  I was off yesterday but in a mood and just wanted to bake and sit and watch TV.  I guess that is the theme for this week haha.  So Sunday morning I had no Zoe to wake me up so I got up at 8 am!  Nice and refreshed.  Its been so long since I have had a full nights rest with no Zoe waking me up and no Richie stealing the covers while I sleep!  So I got up had my coffee, spilled my coffee on the computer....it didn't hurt it tho, I acted fast.  Phew...then I decided to get ready for work around 9:05, which is kinda late, considering I have to leave by 9:20 the latest to get there at 9:45.  I was in a good mood, so I didn't care if I didn't get there my 15 minutes early, like I do everyday. 

So 9:45 I am at work.  Nothing big happened.  It was slow, I got to work with Sara which was nice.  I made money even nicer!  I'm lucky if I get two cash shifts a week, usually it's one or maybe none.  So those two days its nice to walk away with cash.  Even if it is only $30.  Its 30 more then I had walking in the place.  My dad was watching Zoe while I was at work.  That wasn't planned by me.  He just sort of told my mom I am picking her up at 11am and that's that.  So he calls me during my shift which always makes me nervous.  Its not like I can stop working and chat.  So I quickly call him back and hes like we are having a BBQ tonight, so pick up Richie after you get off work and eat with us, then you can take Zoe home.  OK.  So then he's like I cant get in touch with your sister and neither can your mom, can you call her.  Ugh.  So i texted her annoyed because I am stuck doing all this while working and I get a snippy text back from her saying its late notice no.  So then I tell my dad and hes like oh well, the BBQ crapped out so we are just going to have kfc. 

OK so I work in Winter park, my dad lives in Winter park.  I live in altamonte springs.  I have to drive all the way to altamonte to pick up Richie then back to where I was originally to have kfc. 

But we had a nice dinner and watched I Love Lucy.  So it was a nice night.  And I didn't have to cook.  Even better!  When we got home I was exhausted so off to bed we went!
Monday: Zoe starts crying at 5:30am but was still sleepy so I convinced her to go back to sleep with me because the sun isn't up yet.  It worked!  She didn't get back up until 8am and then yells at me "mommy! why you wake me up??"  Ha, tables have turned kiddo.  We start our day in kind of a rush because I wanted to get to school to get books.  So after fighting with Zoe to get ready we head out about 8:45ish.  Get to school and I have to get a new school ID because I lost mine.  The lady was nice and didn't charge me the $10.  So we go and get my books, nearly $200 for an online computer course!  All for a code.  Good thing my grant paid for it!  I treated myself and bought some ear buds for my ipod.  Early bday present to myself :)
Zoe threw  a fit because she wanted to stay in the bookstore.  A girl after my own heart.  I was grumpy, she was grumpy.  I wanted to go to goodwill just to look around and she didn't want to.  She wanted to go home and continued to cry.  I didn't want to go home because it was a mess and I am sick of spending my two days off cleaning, then go to work the rest of the week and nothing get done so I have to do it all over again.
$300 in that bag

This is what I left the house looking like.  I yelled at Richie saying he needs to help me out, I'm sick of it.
I came home and the dishes were done :)
Zoe and I lounged around and around lunchtime I decided to make mini cupcakes.  They were a pound cake cupcake and came out really yummy.  I have another post alone for those.

 Zoe riding her bike, while I bake.
 Its a little more bearable to cook in the kitchen with this little bad boy pointed my way.  otherwise it gets so hot.  Needless to say we will be looking for a new place to live when our lease is up.  This apartment is just way too hot.
the finished project.  I should have made just a regular buttercream icing, but I didn't have enough powdered sugar :(

I ended my night with finishing up catching fire.  I was in a heated argument with my friend Cathie on why Peeta is better then Gale.  Now I have to go find the third installment!  Happy Tuesday ladies!  This weeks ends on the 11th.  So you get three more days!


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