Thursday, July 28, 2011

Obsession Thursday

I skipped last week, because it was my lazy week.  By lazy I mean, I didn't do a darn thing!  Work totally drained me!  This week however I was on a mission.  A thrift store mission.  I love thrift stores!  Some are really good, some not so much.  It has to be somewhat organized for me to even step foot in.  I know weird right, you are probably like its thrift, you should dig, dig I do, but I like things to be in their proper places.  I usually go for my daughters clothes because she is growing so fast and I can't fathom paying $30 on one outfit for her.  I can't even fathom spending that much on myself!  I also buy most of her books there as well.  Have you seen how much Dr. Seuss is in regular stores??  It's crazy!  She's two so I don't feel so bad when she messes the book up.  I also love, love housewares and kitchen wares.  I buy stuff I really don't need but have to have them.  We are all like that on occasion right?  It's not just me right?!  Any ways, so that is what I did this week, went thrifting and got some good deals I have to share.  I got my daughter a bunch of clothes and a pair of cute pink sparkly sneakers.  The sneakers cost me $1.99.  I also have another crafting obsession and that is making tierd trays.  Yes I found it on a blog, and I have seen it so many other blog postings about it.  So I went out and bought some e-6000 glue, boy does that stuff stick!  Stinky, but works great.  Now every time I go out I am on the mission for pretty plates and glass candle stick holders and anything I could use as a stand.  Here is what I was able to find...
Don't mind the clutter in the back, hehe.  Ok so the red and green dishes I found yesterday and fell in love with them.  My everyday plates are green so that one green dish goes great, I can put roasted veggies in it, or mashed potatoes in it.  I like it instead of a regular bowl.  That can get boring after awhile.  It was originally $2.92 but because it had a pink sticker I got 40% off so I paid $1.75.  The red one is similar but has a lid and circles on it that are raised.  I paid full price for that but it was only $3.93.  That's really splurging for me, haha.  Now the tin contains twilight journals.  Yes I am a twi-hard.  Twi-mom, twilight obsessed, whatever you call it.  I love twilight.  I am not ashamed.  I love tins and I love journals and these full price were just too expensive for me.  When I saw them on the book self at the store I literally grabbed it, held it close to me and ran.  Yeah that's right, I ran, I was so excited I had to go show my mom and daughter.  Don't hate, twilight rocks.  Any who, I got that for $2.92!  What!  Cheap, love it!  The orange thing (which doesn't match a damn thing I own) are little bud vases but they are all stuck together.  I had to get it, it was so darn cute.  $1.91.   The brown bowls up front are like a paper mache type bowl, $.39 each, I can put like nuts or pretzels in it when friends come over.  The green bowl was like eh $.50 cents.  Again with the green, I love green dishes.  The ice cream dishes cost me $.69 and those are great for cake stands.  I bought a bunch of those.  The silver tray underneath cost me $1.99 and I plan on painting the tray part of it with chalk board paint and using it to showcase magnets I make to sell.  I can then write the prices on it with chalk. Cute idea right?  It would also be cute to display a menu for a nice dinner you are making for family and friends. 
All together on these items I spent around $19.  Not bad, I look at it this way, if I bought it at a regular store I would be paying a lot more money. 

These are the cake stands I made, I love the blue glass dishes.  They cost me $.99 each, the white ones cost me $.69 each (I have another square white plate to make a single stand).  The red striped dishes in the back were $.69 each and I plan on taking those ice cream dishes and spray painting them red.  I think they would be cute around Christmas time to display Christmas cookies!  The glass candle stick holders I got at the dollar store.  The white candle stick holder cost me $.69.  Big spender I am, anything under a buck and I go crazy!  This little project cost me a total of......$9.11.  I am hoping I can sell those trays at the flea market, it also makes a cheap gift to give someone.  You can match it up to their kitchen!  Who doesn't like homemade gifts?  Well I hope you found some inspirations for your summer creations, check out your local thrift store!  One man's trash is another man's treasure!  That's for darn sure!


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